Walter Panas High School

Help Page

Welcome to the Help Page, Walter Panas High School's online research help service . There are a variety of ways to obtain help with your research; just choose your method:

E-mail me!

If you have a question or need assistance, e-mail Mrs. Cerone. 

See me! 
Stop by or if you know that you will need a personal instructional session, make an appointment with Mrs. Cerone.

You can also see if the answer to your question is below:

How can I access the library's databases from off campus?
To access the library's databases from off campus, you must have the usernames and passwords.  Mrs. Cerone will provide you with this information.  Just ask her for the green sheet!  You can access the links from the:

Databases and Online Resources  
Oasis Library System

How do I cite my sources?
The research manual, "Your Library Guide and Style Sheet", is electronically available online on the Research Process and Citation Help page.  It provides you with step-by-step instructions on how to format and write a research paper using the Modern Language Association (MLA) format.  It also provides you with the proper guidelines for creating an MLA style  bibliography and works cited page.