Welcome to Lakeland Schools

Employee Notices

Quick Tips for Personal Leave
Earlier this school year, union leadership met with the Department of Human Resources collaboratively to troubleshoot issues with requests for Personal Leave that required follow up from HR. As we all know, personal business is business that cannot be conducted outside of the school day. We also know that explaining absences to others can be annoying, frustrating or embarrassing. To save time and potential aggravation, we worked together and developed a resource for your use. Click here for more information.

Changes to Salary Advancement Procedures Effective July 1, 2015                
ALL LFT Members:  Salary advancement applications can be submitted once per year (by October 15th) and movement is restricted to one column per year.

LFT Members hired after February 5, 2015: Salary advancements are permitted

  • only after tenure is earned (or in the case of OTs and PTs, after a minimum of 3 years of service in the district)
  • EXCEPT when the move is from 4.0 to M.0, upon completion of Master’s Degree

Article XXVI, Section A(7)

Salary Advancements for Newly Hired Unit Members
“Unit members first hired on or after the date of ratification of this Memorandum of Agreement shall not be eligible for salary advancements until they have acquired tenure in the school district, except to the extent that the teacher only possesses a Bachelor’s degree and is still working towards his/her Master’s degree at the commencement of employment, in which case, he/she shall be permitted to advance from column 4.0 to column M.0 on the salary schedule. No unit member hired on or after the date of ratification of this Memorandum of Agreement, shall be permitted to advance to a new column beyond M.0 on the salary schedule until he/she has acquired tenure or been in the employ of the District for a minimum of three school years, whichever occurs later, except as expressly provided above.

Effective July 1, 2015, all unit members who belong to the classified civil service (such as OTs and PTs) shall only be eligible for salary advancement (i.e. column advancement on the salary schedule due to graduate or in-service credits) after three (3) years of service in the District. 

In addition, effective July 1, 2015, all unit members who are eligible to advance to a new column on the salary schedule shall only be permitted to advance one column on the salary schedule per school year, irrespective of how many credits have been submitted for salary adjustment. Moreover, unit members who seek advance to a new column on the salary schedule shall only be permitted to submit credits for salary adjustment one time per school year. Such credits must be submitted to the Office of Human Resources by no later than October 15th of the school year to receive a salary adjustment retroactive to September 1st for that school year, subject to the additional limitations set forth above.”

Coaching Requirements web page has been added to the Human Resources section of the website.
Click here to access the page.

Leave for Blood Donation
During the past school year, the New York State Legislature enacted Section 202-j of the Labor Law to provide public employees the right to up to three (3) hours of unpaid leave each calendar year for blood donation that takes place off of their employer’s premises. To apply for such leave you must give the District at least three days advance notice unless there are emergency circumstances that involve giving blood for your own surgery or surgery involving a family member. In such emergency cases, you must give notice as soon as it is practicable to do so before or after the emergency surgery.

If you intend to use more than three hours of leave time for blood donation, the excess time will not be an entitlement under Section 202-j of the Labor Law. In such instances, leave time with or without pay may be provided for in a collectively negotiated agreement that covers your terms and conditions of employment as a member of a bargaining unit. Further, up to the first three hours of such leave may fall within approved paid leave provisions in an existing collectively negotiated agreement that covers your employment with the District. You may consult with your collective bargaining representative at the time of the intended use of blood donation leave to be advised about your contractual rights. 

The District does not provide Blood donation Leave Alternative programs.