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6162 Referral to Committee on Special Education

Adoption Date: 03/18/2010  Revised: 03/23/2023
6000 - Instruction
Instructional Services
6162 Referral to Committee on Special Education

Any student suspected of having a disability may be referred, in writing, to the Committee on Special Education for an individual evaluation to determine if the student is a student with a disability.   Such referral may be made by the parent or person in parental relation and such other individuals in 200.4(a)(1) of the Commissioner’s Regulations In addition, the Board of Education designates the Assistant Superintendent of Pupil Personnel Services as the staff member responsible for referring students to the Committee on Special Education.

If the student is a resident of the District, any professional staff member of the District in which the student resides, professional staff member of the public or private school the student legally attends or is eligible to attend, licensed physician, judicial officer, professional staff member of a public agency with responsibility for welfare, health or education of children, or the student themselves if such student is eighteen years of age or older or is an emancipated minor, may make a request for a referral to the Director of Pupil Personnel.  The Assistant Superintendent of Pupil Personnel Services shall determine if a referral to the CSE will be made.  The procedures outlined in §200.4 of the Commissioner’s Regulations will be followed for all referrals and requests for referrals to the CSE.   If, following receipt of a request for referral, the Assistant Superintendent of Pupil Personnel Services determines that a referral to the CSE is not warranted, they shall advise the Building Principal, who shall determine if any building level services should be implemented.