Welcome to Lakeland Schools

1335 Care of School Property

Adoption Date: 6/7/2001, Revised: 3/20/2014; 04/24/2003 
1000 - Community Relations
Public Activities Involving Staff. Students or School Facilities
1335 Care of School Property

It is the responsibility of each student, staff member, invitee and visitor, to respect, protect and preserve school property. Students who willfully and maliciously damage or vandalize school property shall be held responsible for the resultant damage, including making restitution therefor, and may be subject to disciplinary measures, including the filing of criminal charges with the appropriate authorities. Staff members who willfully and maliciously damage or vandalize school property shall be held responsible for the resultant damage, including making restitution therefor, and may be subject to discipline in accordance with law and applicable collectively negotiated agreement. Any other individual who willfully and maliciously damages or vandalizes school property shall be held financially liable and/or criminally liable for such property damage. The Board may offer a reward leading to the identification of persons vandalizing school property.

Employees are prohibited from providing keys or access cards, or any other form of access to School District property and facilities to any unauthorized individual.  Any employee who is authorized to possess keys or an access cardto the school buildings or other School District facilities, who gives his or her keys or access card to any unauthorized individual, as well as any employee who provides unauthorized access to School District property and facilities shall be liable for any injury or damage to person or property as a result of such action and may be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with law and any applicable collectively negotiated agreement. All keys and access cardsshall be returned to the District prior to separation from the District.