Benjamin Franklin Elementary School

Third Grade

Tiffany Curran - Teacher Website
Vanessa DiLorenzo
Michelle Estevez
Dawn Guadagnolo
Kristine Murphy

Ben Franklin third graders continue on their path toward becoming lifelong learners. We are transitioning from learning how to read and experiencing the process of reading to now processing what is being read and learning from their reading. Children are reading an assortment of genres and are applying their reading into their writing. Several techniques and strategies are introduced during "Breakout" as well. Reading and writing is now continuously integrated into all academic subjects. Third grade students are expanding their use of the Four Square writing method. This method uses a graphic organizer to help focus and organize their writing. It is very helpful for on-demand writing. Also, the students are very excited about learning cursive writing!

In math, third graders are becoming more proficient in addition and subtraction facts. Then they move to mastering multiplication and division facts. A great emphasis is placed on the problem solving process, as well the content. For example students are now writing explanations of how mathematical problems are solved.

In science, investigations are made with plants, electricity, the water cycle and the life cycle of a butterfly. We monitor the growth of plants, build electrical circuits, understand the water cycle and raise butterflies. Most of our hands-on units are integrated with technology.

In social studies, students learn about people and places around the world. Children are exposed to various world communities, including China. These child-centered learning experiences integrate many skills and third graders begin to read Historical Documents as well as answer Document Based Questions.

Our third teachers at Ben Franklin are dedicated to providing a safe and positive environment for learning. We challenge our students to do their best. This productive year prepares them toward a life of learning!

Third Grade Projects

In order to insure that all of our young learners have the same experiences and opportunities to be engaged with 21st century learning, we have developed a number of curriculum projects that integrate existing curriculum with technology.  These projects were developed by teachers in district and regional workshops.  

Note: The Social Studies/ELA Integrated Curriculum sites are password protected.

  • ELA Activity Cards

Math Activity Cards

Science Activity Cards

Social Studies Activity Cards

Third Grade Links