Benjamin Franklin Elementary School




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Enrichment Schedule:
Monday: Benjamin Franklin
Tuesday: Thomas Jefferson
Wednesday: George Washington
Thursday: Van Cortlandtville   
Friday: Lincoln-Titus

Enrichment Program Overview

The Enrichment Program is structured to provide a differentiated curriculum to identified students.  It is a program offered during the school day to students in grades 3-5 in all five elementary schools.  Enrichment takes place once a week, for students who qualify, throughout the school year.  Students are flexibly grouped according to learning styles and needs.  These students participate in activities to further develop critical thinking, problem solving, and independent learning skills.  The activities cover a broad spectrum including computer coding, research, creative projects, and activities involving S.T.E.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering & Math).  This program focuses on creative and higher level thinking skills to provide a variety of learning experiences to challenge students.

Enrichment also offers an after school computer coding program to extend student’s learning beyond the school day.  This program will be offered to students in fourth and fifth grade throughout the school year outside of the regular school day.
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Mrs. Karaban's E-Mail:
Mrs. Karaban - Website