Welcome to Lakeland Schools


Adoption Date: 4/5/2001, Revised: 3/17/2016 
4000 - Personnel


4119 Anti-Nepotism

In order to promote efficiency and harmony in the public service rendered by the employees of the School District, no spouse, domestic partner close family relative (e.g., parent, child, sibling, grandparent, in-law), significant other or person in a close personal relationship, or person residing within the same household shall be in a supervisory relationship to such relative or household resident. For the protection of both the supervisor and supervisee, the relationship should be reported to the Building Principal and District Human Resources Office. 

In the event a situation exists or occurs whereby a supervisory employee is or would be placed in the position of supervising such other relative, person in a close personal relationship or household resident, in accordance with applicable work rules one of the following shall occur:

  1. The supervisee shall be supervised by another employee designated by the Superintendent who has higher supervisory authority than the supervisor, including but not limited to conducting observations/evaluations, preparing schedules, assigning overtime or any other financial or other employment advantage; or
  2. The supervisor or supervisee shall be transferred to a position in a different supervisory group; or
  3. Where a transfer cannot be implemented as a result of contractual and/or statutory requirements, the Superintendent and Board of Education shall take those actions necessary, including the commencement of due process administrative proceedings, if applicable, to enforce the provisions of this policy.
Policy Cross References:
 » 4225 - Whistleblower Protection
 » 8255 - Whistleblower Protection